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Commitment to Service

We make it simple.

93% of customers say we make the claim-reporting process easy. Nine out of ten customers who have reported a claim are likely to recommend Horace Mann to others.

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Commitment to Service

Being green has never been easier!

We now offer eDelivery for most of your auto and annuity correspondences. It's convenient, secure and organized.

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In service to educators since 1945

We care about the lifelong financial well-being of educators, offering tailored solutions, expertise and local agents serving over 4,000 schools across the US.

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We know educators are taking care of our children’s future, and we believe they deserve someone to look after theirs. We provide auto, home and life insurance to protect what teachers and school employees have today, and retirement and financial solutions to help them secure their future.

© 2017 Horace Mann Educators Corporation

CUSTOMER SERVICE Call 800-999-1030

  • Auto and Property
    M – F, 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Central time.
  • Life, Annuity and Group
    M – F, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Central time.