IDEAS (Initiatives for Developing Equity and Achievement for Students) invites Massachusetts PK-12 educators to enroll in upcoming professional development opportunities focused on anti-racism, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Winter-Spring Graduate Courses:
- IDEAS 1: Anti-Racist School Practices to Support the Success of All Students
- IDEAS 2: Enacting Systemic Change in Educational Institutions
- Difficult Conversations: Talking about Race & Racism with Students, Colleagues & Parents/Guardians
- Transforming Curriculum through a Social Justice Lens
The courses are listed in this flyer, and details about the classes are available on the IDEAS website. Additional courses, as well as 6-hour (non-credit) seminars, will be posted as they become available. Information about the fee for each course is posted on the website. The fees vary, based on the number of credits and whether or not your school district is a member of IDEAS. For an additional fee, educators can earn graduate credits for these courses through Framingham State University.
Questions: Dana Mullaley, dmullaley@massupt.org