This Year’s Theme: Students are OUR Why: Leading DBEI Toward a Healthy and Successful School Community
Based on the feedback from our membership, the MASS Professional Development Committee has been discussing and finalizing the details of the 2023 Paul J. Andrews Executive Institute which will be held from July 11-13 at the Sea Crest Resort/Mashpee High School. This year’s theme, Students are OUR Why: Leading Diversity, Belonging, Equity, and Inclusion (DBEI) Toward a Healthy and Successful School Community, examines how we can use equitable practices in our schools to improve the instructional core and close the achievement gap for all our students.In a post pandemic education world our focus as leaders has shifted to the individual student and adult needs in our school communities, how we build instructional practices and supports to meet those needs, and how we can shift policies (both in classrooms and systematically) to remove barriers to access for students and families. This year we are requesting workshop proposals which focus on the best evidence-based practices locally, regionally, and nationally that develop policies, procedures, and practices on topics which include advancing our Race, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (REDI) work, building resiliency in that work, communicating effectively to our stakeholders about the work, and re-envisioning the future of education leadership through our work. We strongly encourage districts who have been participating in any of the MASS REDI initiatives this year to submit a proposal, regardless of the stage of implementation. Workshop proposals should focus on one or more of the following key questions:
- How do we advance our equity work to build instructional practices to meet student needs?
- What data suggest that we are growing and making improvements as a school/district community?
- How do we use a cycle of improvement to advance our equity work and improve student success?
- How do we communicate effectively, strategically, and timely during these challenging political times?
- How do we prioritize both our equity work and our mental health work simultaneously to improve academic success?
- What does leadership look like at the district and school level in this challenging climate?
- How do we support our leaders and restore morale in our schools?
- How do we practice self-care, overcome anxieties, and avoid burnout for ourselves and our building and district leaders?
As part of the presentation, the Committee encourages presenters to show how success is measured through quantitative or qualitative means for your initiative or practice. In addition, please consider how your practice or initiative can be replicated for other schools or districts.
In addition, we plan on continuing our highly successful Assistant Superintendent Ed Camp. If your RFP is specifically for the Ed Camp, please indicate that on the RFP. In the near future, we will be sending out more information on this segment of the Executive Institute.
Through the selected sessions, we hope to celebrate the excellent work that is taking place in your school districts and in all public schools across the Commonwealth. We are looking for strong proposals that help address one or more of the questions above. We also encourage districts who have developed partnerships with other districts, collaboratives, consortiums, vocational schools, or regional schools to submit a proposal. We will only consider Request for Proposals that align with our theme. In addition, we will not accept proposals from vendors unless they are presenting with a school district.
Please consider submitting a proposal for this year’s Executive Institute. The deadline to submit proposals is Wednesday, January 11th. Please note that you will be contacted regarding the status of your proposal. Over the last few years, we have received many outstanding proposals and, unfortunately, it is logistically impossible to accommodate all the proposals. We will also attempt to recommend any proposals not accepted to other MASS sponsored events.
We look forward to reviewing your submissions!
Questions please email Erica Hedrick at ehedrick@massupt.org