On Thursday, May 26, 2022, members of M.A.S.S. and other district leaders met in Marlborough, MA to discuss “REDI: Translating Vision, Affirming Commitment, Taking Action- Next Steps.”
The day started with Deputy Commissioner of DESE, Regina Robinson, as keynote presenter. Regina was able to share her story while also possessing a unique ability to visualize educational attainment through many lenses. Regina presented with energy, enthusiasm and hope for the future of public education. Following Regina’s presentation, the participants has their first of three facilitated table talk activities, including a facilitated table top activity reflecting on Dr. Ikard’s video on the teaching of Rosa Parks. The conversations among participants was spirited with many personal stories with connecting to the importance of supporting our students with accurate historical facts.

Following a break, Jannell Pearson-Campbell, Assistant Superintendent, Old Rochester Regional School district, shared insights into her story and the consequences of teaching/learning an incomplete history. Followed by Komal Bhasin, Senior Associate Commissioner of DESE, who shared the existing DESE requirements related to curriculum focused on established curriculum standards that support accurate information.

Superintendents Thomas Anderson (New Bedford), Dianne Kelley (Revere) and Lisha Cabral (Easton) shared in a panel presentation the equity audit recommendations to M.A.S.S., initial work, and what next steps are being prioritized. Further specific strategies are in the planning stage.

Commissioner Jeffrey Riley joined the morning program to share brief remarks on a variety of topics including, Covid updates, educator pipeline initiatives and curriculum information.
M.A.S.S. President Tim Piwowar (Billerica) closed out the main session by presenting the 2022 Distinguished Service Award to Jeff Perrotti. The Distinguished Service Award is presented annually to a non-member of our association in recognition of outstanding service to and support for public education and the children of Massachusetts. Jeff is the founding director of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Educations’ Safe School Programs for LGBTQ. Consistently, our district and building leaders call on Jeff to provide support and guidance when supporting our students.

During lunch, Bob Baldwin, the 2021 Daoulas Award Recipient, gave remarks about relationships, courage, and following your own personal values as foundations for educational leaders.
Additionally, during the day, M.A.S.S. was able to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of M.A.S.S. educators who reached ten (10), fifteen (15), twenty (20), and twenty-five (25) year milestones as educators in Massachusetts, while also recognizing those who were retiring this year. We also recognized our 2022 President’s Award winners for their service. The President’s Award is given annually to members for outstanding service to public education and the Association. This year the 2022 recipients where: Thomas Anderson, Superintendent, New Bedford Public Schools, Joseph Baeta, Superintendent, Norton Public Schools, and Priya Tahiliani, Superintendent, Everett Public Schools.

At the end of the day, Tim Piwowar passed to “torch” to President-Elect Dianne Kelly Superintendent of the Revere Public Schools, who closed out this exciting conference and had this passionate group of M.A.S.S. educators looking positively into the future of Massachusetts education.