Miracles do happen and this column of The JETTY will deal with this issue as we open our doors to thousands of students this week or next to meet the needs of all students who enter our doors whether they be educational, health, social-emotional, special needs or whatever else. We all try to be ready and clear the channel to make our schools (hot or cold) a place of teaching and learning for all and meeting any added needs.
From the Berkshires to the end of Cape Cod the entrance of our students to a welcoming staff takes on a most important part of our year beginning on day one and expectations are high for most students with teachers reaching out to get to know their students better just as they are taking in the staff and other students, especially those entering new schools or just beginning school.
Superintendents, administrators, and teachers take on an awesome responsibility in the days ahead that often is not understood by most non-educators, as the task is awesome. The opening day process that goes on each year usually goes smoothly because of prior preparation but one never knows as every year can be different.
Paul (M.A.S.S.)
JETTY defined as a pier or structure of stones, piles or the like, projecting into the sea or other body of water to protect a harbor and deflect the current